Início » FLEC calls for dialogue and blames the UN – audio release

FLEC calls for dialogue and blames the UN – audio release

Arsénio Reis

The Cabinda Enclave Liberation Front today launched an appeal to open direct negotiations with the Angolan authorities, calling for the creation of a “round table” between representatives of Cabinda and Angola.

In a statement recorded by Lieutenant-General, Afonso Zau, the “central direction of the movement on the ground” alludes to the need to find a lasting peace, but it also carries with it criticisms of the Angolan military’s actions.

In this statement recorded by FLEC-FAC and sent to Plataforma, Luanda is accused of organizing “belligerent groups” to “attack defenseless refugee centers in the DRC, Democratic Republic of Congo and Congo Brazzaville”. FLEC asks whether under international law a country can directly attack another country.

The biggest criticism is reserved – in this communique – for the United Nations. Alluding to the persecution of refugees, the FLEC-FAC communique states that “the mortality of men, women, old people and children, will be the sole responsibility of the United Nations, because a refugee cannot be persecuted to the limit of the planet, without protection from anyone ”.

Listen here in full to the FLEC-FAC statement, read by Afonso Zau.

FLEC-FAC Statement

The Cabinda Enclave Liberation Front today accused the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA) of killing three civilians in the territory. “Three innocent civilians, including a teenager, unarmed, were killed on Wednesday, June 24, by the Angolan FAA military in the village of Macama-Nzila, near the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo,” said the secretary-general. general of FLEC-FAC, Jacinto António Télica.

According to the statement, the three civilians were “falsely accused” of belonging to the Armed Forces of Cabinda (FAC).

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