Início » Cabinda: “Ready to negotiate peace – in Portugal, Luanda, in heaven or in hell”, says leader of FLEC-FAC

Cabinda: “Ready to negotiate peace – in Portugal, Luanda, in heaven or in hell”, says leader of FLEC-FAC

Paulo Rego*

In an interview with PLATAFORMA, the president of the Liberation Front of the Enclave of Cabinda (FLEC), calls for negotiations and peace: “In Portugal, in Luanda, in heaven or in hell, wherever Angola wants”.

However, Emmanuel Nzita regrets not having received a reply to the various comments sent to the Angolan President, João Lourenço; but also in Portugal and the United Nations. The price of peace, he explains, is a referendum. “The people of Cabinda demand their self-determination”.

Emmanuel Nzita reveals that he had “informal conversations” with all Angolan parties, as he understands that “the problem must be addressed at the level of the Assembly of the Republic”. But it is never clear in relation to contacts with the MPLA, not leaving the idea that conversations with members of the government party are conducted without anyone who has made contact.

Regarding the Angolan President, it is already more assertive. He recalls that João Lourenço promises to change everything that was wrong in the country and reveals that he sent several messages to the Palace in Luanda, with no sense of starting negotiations. But there was never an answer. In the interview with PLATAFORMA, Emmanuel Nzita launched the appeal: “I am ready to negotiate peace in Cabinda”.

After the appeal by the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, to suspend all conflicts in the world, without the context of a pandemic crisis, the Cabinda Enclave Liberation Front decided to decree, “unilaterally, or cease fire”, recalls Nzita, accusing the Angolan government of having “violated” this water “on the 4th of June”, when “invaded or controlled by FLEC, from the Democratic Republic of Congo”, which borders the enclave.

That is the explanation of Emmanuel Nzita for the return of armed clashes, from that time on, as described by the PLATFORM of Lieutenant-General Afonso Zao, who commands troops at FLEC on the ground. In the last confrontation, “on our side, two died; on the Angolan side, I don’t know, but the bodies stayed there ”.

Insisting on the second case, What is the level of security in Portugal – the 1885 treaty and the Alvor agreements – for peace to be possible, Emmanuel Nzita demands a reference, “be it for independence, self-determination or for… It is not possible to continue to say Cabinda belongs to Angola; the people of Cabinda have to decide ”. This is the list that can be carried out, FLEC’s point of view can bring peace to Cabinda.

In the interview with PLATAFORMA, Emmanuel Nzinga also criticizes Portugal’s position – or the lack of it – for not compromising the commercial process, despite having “a bigger letter in hand”, at the diplomatic level. It also aims at António Guterres who, even because he is Portuguese, “knows the situation well” in Cabinda, but “does nothing for refugees”, who “is on the side of abandonment, with nothing or help”.

Read more about Cabinda at:

“Portugal has a bigger card” and “Guterres doesn’t answer”, accused leader of FLEC-FAC

“Portugal is our father”, says General of FLEC in the field

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