Início » The most affected population was the one that “always worked and did not confine much”.

The most affected population was the one that “always worked and did not confine much”.

After a technical meeting at Infarmed, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa explained to the country some facts about the pandemic. One is that the North Region has a transmission rate higher than Lisbon and the Tagus Valley. The other is that the transmission rate in Portugal surpassed 1 and is now 1.8

The North Region has a transmissibility index “higher than that of the Lisbon region or the Central region”, explains the President of the Republic about the difference in the cases detected between Lisbon and Porto.

In his reply, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa reinforces the need to understand whether the cases in Lisbon “already existed” before the deflation or if they are a recent reality. “What happened were outbreaks with an expanding number of infected people. Did it happen because it already existed and has only just met? Or did it just happen now? ”

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