Início » North Korea suspends military action against South Korea

North Korea suspends military action against South Korea

North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un has suspended its military plans for unspecified retaliation against South Korea, that country’s state television said on Tuesday.

According to the AP agency, after declaring that relations between the two countries were completely cut off, North Korea last week threatened to launch unspecified military actions against the South.

North Korea also criticized Seoul for its lack of progress in bilateral cooperation and for not stopping activists against Pyongyang from sending leaflets across the border.

North Korea’s Central News Agency revealed that Kim Jong-un chaired a meeting of the Central Military Commission of the Workers’ Party on Tuesday, where it announced the suspension of military plans against South Korea that had been presented by the leaders Pyongyang military.

The state media did not specify the reason for the decision.

North Korea tends to increase pressure against the South when it does not get what it wants from the United States.

The latest reactions from the North came after months of frustration at Seoul’s unwillingness to challenge the United States’ sanctions on the nuclear weapons program. Another reason is that Seoul does not restart inter-Korean economic projects that would allow the Northern economy to recover.

Negotiations over nuclear weapons between Pyongyang and Washington were unsuccessful after the second meeting between North Korean leader and United States President Donald Trump last year in Vietnam.

The Americans rejected North Korea’s demands to reduce most sanctions in exchange for a partial reduction in its military capabilities.

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