Início » Formula 1: a fight between Portugal and Russia for the Grand Prix

Formula 1: a fight between Portugal and Russia for the Grand Prix

The game Paulo Pinheiro says that Portimão will have an audience in the stands, Sochi has the advantage of already being on the calendar and having paid. “The intention is to go from 30 to 60% of the circuit’s capacity, respecting the rules of distance and access to the stands,” revealed Paulo Pinheiro, responsible for the International Racetrack of Algarve, who waits next week to know if Portugal was chosen to receive a Formula 1 Grand Prix. The big question, and this confirmation came from Russia, lies in the choice between the Portimão and Sochi tracks.

“We are preparing our race, which is still scheduled for September 27, although the Portuguese are trying to steal it,” said Alexey Titov, director of Rosgonki, the company that organizes the Russian Grand Prix.

“We are not concerned. The coronavirus has raised some problems, but we are solving them. We will have cars on the track, spectators at the stands and even solve the logistical problems ”, added the Russian, knowing that in the Black Sea area there are not so many positive cases.

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