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The situation in East Asia is unstable

Johnson Chao*

Recently, the situation in Asia has become increasingly tense.

China and India suffered the most serious casualties on the border, military conflict, since the 1962 Sino-Indian border war. The Indian said that 20 soldiers died, while the Chinese side has not yet announced the casualty figures. The Chinese army only said that the outbreak of the Chinese and Indian armed forces was fierce. Physical conflict caused casualties. This year is the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and India. In this important year, usually the Chinese official would make activities, marking this friendship relation between the people of two country. But now, there is only the news about the conflict between two country.

A few days later, the situation on the Korean Peninsula has also changed. North Korea suddenly destory the Inter-Korean Liaison Office, in the Kaesong Industrial Park. North Korea claimed that the “North Korean defectors” from South Korea, spreading the leaflet of anti-DPRK propaganda. South Korean media reported that North Korea reinstalled loudspeakers to South Korea, and South Korea may also reinstall corresponding facilities. It is expected that both side will launch psychological propaganda. Some analysts believe that North Korea’s various actions are related to Kim Jong-un’s sister Kim Yu-jung, who is building a strong image, and consolidating her power in North Korea without any military rank.

In addition, Japan recently passed a bill to change the name of the Senkaku Islands. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its firm opposition and made solemn representations to Japan. The China Marine sent a fleet of ships to cruise the territorial waters of the Diaoyu Islands (Japanese name: Senkaku Islands). China and Japan have always had sovereignty disputes over the Diaoyu Islands. In 2012, multiple rounds of anti-Japanese demonstrations broke out in many cities in China, and Japanese companies were being demolished.

It is the half way of 2020. The world are still fighting with Covid-19 pandemic. Will, or can, the world afford the “black swan” happen again?

*Chinese editor of Plataforma

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