Início » It is the tip of a huge iceberg ”. Brazil may not have 1, but 10 million infected

It is the tip of a huge iceberg ”. Brazil may not have 1, but 10 million infected

Infectious disease specialist, Roberto Medronho says cases are undersized. WHO says the same: Brazil tests a small population for a dimension of the country. There are more cases than the ones officialy announced.

Brazilian specialist in infectious diseases, Roberto Medronho, said in an interview with Globo that Brazil has about 10 million cases of covid-19 and not 1 million – data from the official statistics. WHO does not indicate an estimate, but said, also on Monday, that the country tests very little considering the number of inhabitants.

“What we are seeing is just the tip of a huge iceberg,” says Medronho.

Without giving an estimate, Mike Ryan, of the World Health Organization (WHO), also said that the numbers are undersized – they are not being reported as real cases of infection due to lack of testing in the population.

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