Início » Federal judge imposes mask on Bolsonaro in public places

Federal judge imposes mask on Bolsonaro in public places

Felipe Pontes

In case of non-compliance, the magistrate defined a daily fine of R $ 2 thousand

Judge Renato Coelho Borelli, of the 9th Federal Civil Court of Brasília, imposed on President Jair Bolsonaro the mandatory use of a mask in public spaces and commercial establishments, as a protection measure against the new coronavirus. The decision was signed last night (22),

In case of non-compliance, the magistrate defined a daily fine of R $ 2 thousand. Borelli stated that the obligation has already been imposed by the government of the Federal District (GDF) since April, but that he found in images available on the internet that the president would not be fulfilling the determination, “exposing others to the spread of the disease that has caused national commotion” .

In the same decision, Borelli ordered the Union to oblige all its employees and employees to wear a mask for individual protection while they are providing services, under penalty of a daily fine of R $ 20,000 to the government in case of non-compliance. He responded to a request made by a lawyer in a popular lawsuit.


The judge also decided to compel the GDF to inspect the effective use of masks by the entire population, as provided for in a district decree on the subject, which has already subjected violators to a fine of R $ 2,000. He said that he also intends to stipulate a fine “if it is not proven in the records which measures have already been taken to do so”.

Borelli cited an interview in which Governor Ibaneis Rocha says that only three fines have been imposed so far, out of 33,000 warnings issued by inspectors.

Agência Brasil contacted the Attorney General’s Office (AGU), which acts in defense of the president, to find out if the agency intends to appeal the decision.

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