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Couples reveal tricks to not go crazy in quarantine

Folha de S. Paulo

Experts give tips for living together 24 hours to be the best part of the routine

With the social isolation imposed by the pandemic of the new coronavirus, couples had to deal with a new routine: staying 24 hours with their partner at home. Daily coexistence is not easy, but now it becomes essential. The celebration of Valentine’s Day, celebrated next Friday (12), will have to be celebrated at home.

So that the daily routine does not become more exhausting, couples share tasks, establish rules in the house and even use humor to avoid being quarantined. This is the case of comedian Bia Napolitano, 32, and lawyer Paulo Duarte Filho, 40. He says he fell in love with her good humor: “He was always a very clown. I said I would marry her when I saw her at the bar imitating Silvio Santos.

”Married since 2013, they say they always liked to be together, but now everything has been latent. To overcome everyday problems, they created a special rule: make fun of situations at home. “When a fight starts, the other has to do some clowning to get the negative energy out of focus. It’s a norm that is working and makes us not get sick of each other’s faces ”, says Bia, who left the right to dedicate herself to producing videos focused on relationships.

Read more at Folha de S. Paulo.

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