Início » Arsenal speeds up Joelson dossier: shielding 100 million on Sporting’s agenda

Arsenal speeds up Joelson dossier: shielding 100 million on Sporting’s agenda

Bruno Fernandes

After resolving cases of Quaresma and Nuno Mendes, Frederico Varandas will sit down this week to give progress to a footballer whose armor is already 45 million. Star status … at 17 years old.

A new chapter in Joelson’s renewal process follows in moments: after stopping for differences in the value of the clause, Arsenal’s reinforced interest in the 17-year-old winger will accelerate, you know O GOGO, one of the extensions that most impact should cause among the promoted kids or Frederico Varandas did not want to shield the player with… 100 million euros.

It was exactly here that everything stagnated: with the value of the clause already at 45 million, the administration wants to adjust what it considers to be the potential of the player with a call to attention to what the Academy continues to produce, putting Joelson, for example, in a a value that once protected a captain, Bruno Fernandes. Even so, the representatives of the footballer prefer not to exceed 80 million, also because of unnecessary pressure in an embryonic stage of their career, or if we were not talking about a young man who will not come of age until next February.

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