Início » Alzheimer’s patient who touched the window during a pandemic inspires short film

Alzheimer’s patient who touched the window during a pandemic inspires short film

Susete Henriques

In full confinement, Hermann Schreiber, 80, a German with Alzheimer’s, played harmonica at the window of his home in Vigo. He thought that the applause for health professionals was for him and it touched the Spaniards. Now your story can be seen in a short film.

In the midst of uncertainties, fears and restrictive measures due to the pandemic, there are stories that make us forget, even for an instant, the numbers of cases and deaths by covid-19 that appear in the news daily. This is the case of Hermann Schreiber, 80, a German who suffers from Alzheimer and who, in full confinement, moved Spain when he went every day to play harmonica at the window of his house in Vigo. The caregiver made him believe that the neighbors’ applause for the health professionals were for him, and the story inspired a short film.

Non-profit, the small film in homage to this octogenarian, was made by 16 professionals, each in his home. Hermann Schreiber’s harmonica was replaced by a violin by the window in a moving short film dedicated to all the “heroes of March”. Be they health professionals, scientists or people who care for others during confinement.

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