Início » From coronavirus to the border with India: the battlefronts of giant China

From coronavirus to the border with India: the battlefronts of giant China

Susana Salvador

The diplomacy of the Warrior Wolf defended by President Xi Jinping is not limited to more assertive words on social media, but also requires more aggressive actions that put China in various battles.

The coronavirus is a recent battlefront for China, but most of the fighting in which the Asian giant is now involved is nothing new. What is new is the Wolf Warrior diplomacy that President Xi Jinping has defended, more assertive and proactive, prepared to respond aggressively to the least criticism on social networks.

Known by the name of the successful nationalist films of 2015 and 2017, in which a Chinese military hero, in the style of Rambo, fights American mercenaries in Africa, this is very different from Deng Xiaoping’s vision. “Observe the events that unfold impartially; stay safe in our position; remain unperturbed in the face of challenges; hide our capabilities and wait for our hour; avoid claiming leadership while advancing in our cause ”, defended the former leader. The new diplomacy is not limited to more assertive words, but also requires more aggressive actions that leave China to fight on different fronts.

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