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Guterres calls for job protection during and after the pandemic

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres called for job protection on Friday during Covid-19.

The pandemic turned the world of work inside out. Every worker, every business and every corner of the world has been affected. Hundreds of millions of jobs have been lost, Guterres said in a video message, at the launch of a policy brief on COVID-19 and employment.

The crisis in the world of work is adding fuel to an already burning fire of discontent and anxiety. Mass unemployment and loss of income further erode social cohesion and destabilize countries and regions in social, political and economic terms, he noted.

Guterres called for action on three fronts – immediate support for workers, businesses, jobs and incomes at risk; greater focus on economic and health activities, after blockades have subsided, with safe workplaces and rights for women and populations at risk; efforts to focus on the human condition, green and sustainable, in addition to including a recovery that harnesses the potential of new technologies to create decent jobs for all.

“There is a lot of talk about the need for a‘ new normal ’after the crisis. But let’s not forget that the pre-Covid-19 world was far from normal, ”he said.

“Increasing inequalities, systemic gender discrimination, lack of opportunities for young people, stagnant wages, uncontrolled climate change – none of this was normal”.

The pandemic exposed tremendous shortcomings, weaknesses and failures. The world of work cannot and should not be the same after this crisis. It is time to make a coordinated effort at global, regional and national level to create decent work for all as a basis for green, inclusive and resilient recovery, said Guterres, adding that “for example, a shift from payroll taxation to carbon could help go a long way in that direction “.

With smart and timely actions at all levels and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as a guide, the world can emerge from the stronger crisis, with better jobs and a brighter, more equitable and greener future for everyone, he concluded.

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