Início » Who is Kim Yo-jong, Kim Jong-un’s increasingly powerful sister

Who is Kim Yo-jong, Kim Jong-un’s increasingly powerful sister

Pyongyang’s demolition of the Korean relations office again confirmed that Kim Yo-jong, the younger sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, is one of the most powerful people in the isolated regime and potential heir to power. In March, the first official statement was published on his behalf. Since then, its influence has continued to grow and is at the heart of the North Korean strategy of breaking with Seoul.

Last weekend, she announced that it was necessary to “completely destroy the useless relations office”. On Tuesday (16), North Korean officials blew up the building, one of the symbols of the tension between the Koreas. Kim Yo-jong is one of Kim Jong-un’s closest advisers, making her one of the regime’s most powerful women.

Officially, she is an alternate member of the North Korean Workers’ Party politburo, for which she was appointed in October 2017. In a statement released by the official KCNA news agency, however, she talks about “my power authorized by the leader supreme, our party and the state ”.

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