Início » Renamo’s first military base closed

Renamo’s first military base closed

Delegations from the Government, the Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo) and the Contact Group for Peace made official yesterday the closure of the first military base of the main opposition party, within the scope of the peace process in the country.

“Today, I am pleased to inform you that, as part of the resumption of Demilitarization, Disarmament and Reintegration (DDR) activities, Renamo’s first military base was officially closed,” said Mirko Manzoni, personal envoy to the Secretary-General in a statement. General of the United Nations for Mozambique and president of the Contact Group.

This was the first of 16 bases to close, a source close to the case told Lusa. The DDR process follows the peace agreement signed in August 2019, consolidating the ceasefire in the conflict between Government and Renamo that persisted until 2016 in some districts of the center of the country.

Read more in Jornal de Angola

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