Início » China Funds Infrastructures in Timor-Leste with USD 14 million

China Funds Infrastructures in Timor-Leste with USD 14 million

China is going to fund the construction of a new hospital and a school in Timor-Leste, the timorese Government has announced. A total of USD 14 million is to be disbursed by China, while Japan will fund medical equipment.

The signing of the agreement with the Chinese Government for the construction of both projects was approved at the end of last week, according to the Timorese Government. Dionísio Babo, outgoing foreign minister, received “full powers” to formalize the “Sino-Timorese friendship hospital” and the Lere Anan Timur School.

The agreement was signed previously and provides for support of around 14 million dollars for both projects, Babo told Lusa news agency.

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