Início » Brazil “enthusiastic” about strategic partnership with Japan and US

Brazil “enthusiastic” about strategic partnership with Japan and US

Japan has approached Brazil to form, together with the US, a “strategic partnership” to “defend common values” like democracy and free markets in South America and Asia, Brazilian newspaper Folha reports. Foreign minister Ernesto Araujo has embraced the project with “enthusiasm”.

The plan entails forming a “high level dialogue” between the three nations and was presented in 2019, according to Folha. The Japanese, it adds, saw in president Jair Bolsonaro´s closeness to the US administration an opportunity for the alignment.

Even though the Brazilian Foreign minister was alerted internally that China, the country’s largest trading partner, could view Brazil´s participation in the dialogue as a “provocation”, Araujo has been enthusiastic about the idea and plans to launch the initiative in the next few months.

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