Início » Cinema is like this site: a window to the world

Cinema is like this site: a window to the world

Rute Coelho*

For those who have not surrendered to the convenience of domestic consumption of films, going to the cinema is almost as natural of an act as breathing. A necessity. Entering the dark room in front of the big screen, the anticipation with the presentations of the films, the generic… all part of a magical ritual that I have always feared to be near the end in recent years.

The cinema is like this new website, Plataforma, a window to the world. In all the latitudes where Plataforma is, the cinema has been: Angola, Brazil, Mozambique, Cape Verde, São Tomé and Príncipe, Macau, Portugal. And yet, outside these latitudes that are the focus of Lusophone and this website, United States, China, Latin America …

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