Início » How did Covid-19 change football in Portugal? Complete manual for the return of the I League

How did Covid-19 change football in Portugal? Complete manual for the return of the I League

Cátia Carmo

The ball will roll again, but nothing will be the same. The new rules, the calendar, the current classification and the conditions imposed on the clubs to guarantee the safety of all, in a complete manual on the return of football in Portugal.

The wait is over: football will start again. With the pandemic of the new coronavirus still far from being won, the I League games will return on Wednesday and will last for ten matches, until July 26th. The stadiums will be empty of fans and the players and technical teams will be tested. The real effects of this almost three-month break are yet to be assessed.

In the physical capacity of the players, in the way they will react to the absence of support from the stands and even in the outcome of the championship.

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