Início » 1447 deaths and 33261 cases of covid-19 in Portugal. Over 366 infected in 24 hours

1447 deaths and 33261 cases of covid-19 in Portugal. Over 366 infected in 24 hours

Rita Rato Nunes

The bulletin of the Directorate-General for Health reveals even more 11 fatalities.

In Portugal, in the last 24 hours, 11 more people died and 366 more cases of covid-19 were confirmed (an increase of 1.1% over the previous day). According to the epidemiological bulletin of the Directorate-General for Health (DGS), this Wednesday (June 3), in total, since the pandemic began, there were 33 261 infected, 20 079 recovered (plus 210) and 1 447 victims mortals in the country.

In other words, there are currently 11 735 active Portuguese patients (value found when subtracting the number of cured and deaths from the national total).

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