Início » Eric and Nancy. A kiss to celebrate 80 years of marriage

Eric and Nancy. A kiss to celebrate 80 years of marriage

The British Eric and Nancy, aged 98 and 99, were married on June 1, 1940, in the middle of World War II. It is a life in common, with five children, 11 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.

They are one of the oldest couples in the UK and even in the world. And it was with a kiss that these two Englishmen celebrated, on Monday, their 80th wedding anniversary. He is 98 years old and she will turn 100 in October. Eric and Nancy Kingston were married on June 1, 1940, when World War II destroyed lives. Isabel II was 14 years old, would only marry seven years later and would be crowned queen 12 years later.

Speaking to the BBC, Nancy Kingston told how the 80th wedding day passed: “We are still holding hands and today I received a kiss in bed. We still love each other. ”

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