Início » “We already have cases of companies that do not want to hire women”

“We already have cases of companies that do not want to hire women”

Carla Bernardino

The law condemns gender discrimination on the access to work, but companies are already refusing to hire women due to the pandemic. With the imminence of next school year first term being spent at home with the children, without face-to-face classes, the future of work and finance for women is in jeopardy, a specialist warns.

The call for attention comes from those who are supporting companies in the recruitment and selection of human resources. If teleworking threatens to push many women to the limit of exhaustion because they have to reconcile their professional, personal, domestic and maternal lives due to the contingencies imposed by the new Coronavirus pandemic, the difficulty in performing face-to-face work is already seriously affecting female access to the labor market.

Read more in Portuguese at Delas.

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