Início » Lusitânia Train Hotel. The end of the night connection between Lisbon and Madrid

Lusitânia Train Hotel. The end of the night connection between Lisbon and Madrid

Maria João Martins

In its golden years transported princes, spies and stars. Created in the 1940s, the Lusitânia Train Hotel, which daily connected Lisbon to Madrid, was interrupted by the pandemic and, according to the Spanish carrier, will not be resumed. It will be missed

It is not as mythical as the Expresso do Oriente, but still enjoys the aura associated with hotel trains, created by Wagons Lits in the middle of the 20th century.

We are talking about the Lusitânia Comboio Hotel, which united Lisbon and Madrid every night until the closure of borders, caused by the spread of COVID 19, interrupted its circulation on March 17th.

The problem is that RENFE (Rede Nacional de Ferrocarriles Espanoles), which until now guaranteed the connection in partnership with its Portuguese counterpart, CP, announced its intention not to resume it when the movement of people between the two countries returns to normal .

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