Início » “Nothing should be left behind, despite the pandemic”

“Nothing should be left behind, despite the pandemic”

João Dias

The President of the Republic, João Lourenço, said yesterday in Luanda that “nothing should be left behind”, despite the fact that the country is fighting a battle against the Covid-19 pandemic.

In a brief speech addressed to the new governors of Luanda, Huambo and Uíge, secretaries of state and a vice-governor, to whom he conferred office, the incumbent of the Executive Branch said that it is necessary to have the capacity not to fail to attend to other important actions of governance.

This, in João Lourenço’s view, should be the logic to follow, while the Covid-19 threat lasts, “that nobody knows how much longer we will have to live with it”. To the newly inaugurated, the President insisted that it is necessary to combine the capacity to fight Covid-19 with that of continuing to pay attention to the economy of the country and the provinces, of companies, employment and the social situation of families. In his circumstantial speech, of nearly four minutes, President João Lourenço promised, for the future, to appoint more women in the provincial governments, but he warned that this is dependent on the quality of the work that the governors in office present.

Read more in portuguese on Jornal de Angola

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