Início » High priority to investigate George Floyd’s death

High priority to investigate George Floyd’s death

The United States Department of Justice has decreed that investigating the death of George Floyd, a black man murdered by a white police officer, be investigated with top priority. The decision comes after a wave of violent protests in the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota. U.S. President Donald Trump has already expressed full support for the investigations and praised the work of the local police.

“At my request, the FBI and the Justice Department are investigating George Floyd’s sad and tragic Minnesota. I asked that the investigation be seen as a priority ”, can be read in a tweet from President Trump.

Prosecutors and FBI investigators were deployed to that city to see if the officers involved in the incident violated federal laws.

Meanwhile, protesters gathered for peaceful protests between Tuesday and yesterday, which ended in conflict and turmoil. Authorities fired shots of rubber and tear gas, which left one dead. Popular people responded by throwing stones and other objects at law enforcement officials.

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz ordered the National Guard and the St. Paul Police to be present to maintain order during the demonstrations. Police have publicly confirmed that they are investigating George Floyd’s death as a homicide and that he has a suspect in custody.

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