Início » Children around the world tell what it’s like to live in the covid era

Children around the world tell what it’s like to live in the covid era

Naná De

World map brings testimonials from children around the globe and educational activities.

I really miss my dad, who lives in another house, ”says Seth, 7, who lives in Cape Town, South Africa. In Mendoza, Argentina, Bautista, 9, says he needs patience“ because it’s a lot of lessons that teachers are asking for ”.

Meanwhile, Lisbon’s Júlia, 8, is hoping that the coronavirus “doesn’t stay in the summer”, so she can go to the beach.

These and other testimonials can be watched (and read) on the “No Universo De Casa” platform (, which has just been launched. The infographic brings together reports from 15 children from 12 different countries.

Read more in Folha de S. Paulo

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