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Proposal limits resources to the Constitutional Court

João Dias

The resources for the Constitutional Court are now restricted to legal-constitutional matters and those that affect citizens’ rights, freedoms and guarantees, with the introduction, soon, in the Angolan legal system, of the Constitutional Process Law, announced yesterday in Luanda, the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Francisco Queiroz.

The proposal of the referred law was considered, yesterday, by the Council of Ministers, in the 5th ordinary session, guided by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, in the Salão Nobre of the Palácio da Cidade Alta. The proposal makes it clear that the Constitutional is not a court of appeal in common jurisdictional matters, it sets the precise conditions for the use of the appeal and ensures that individuals access this instance only after all the previously admissible appeals have been exhausted.

In this way, the parties to the judicial process are prevented from using the Constitutional Court’s appeal as a delaying expedient to delay the execution of the convicted court’s sentencing sentences. Speaking to the press, at the end of the meeting, Minister Francisco Queiroz stressed that the Constitutional Court can only be appealed when legal and constitutional matters are at stake. “The TC should only see resources related to the Constitution and those that touch the citizens’ fundamental rights, freedoms and guarantees”, he clarified.

Read more in Jornal de Angola

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