Início » Guinea-Bissau international partners want a political solution

Guinea-Bissau international partners want a political solution

Guinea-Bissau’s international partners, called P5, today expressed their “full availability” to help the Guinean parliamentary president, Cipriano Cassamá, to find a political solution for the country.

The information was given to journalists by the representative of the African Union in Guinea-Bissau, the Sao Tomean ambassador Ovídeo Pequeno, after a meeting with the president of the National People’s Assembly, where the European Union, United Nations, Commonwealth of Countries were also present, as well as the Portuguese Speaking Community (CPLP) and the Economic Community of West African States (CEDEAO).

According to Ovídeo Pequeno, the president of the parliament invited the P5 to a meeting to explain that he had been invited by the Guinean President, Umaro Sissoco Embaló, to find a political solution for the country, following the ECOWAS communiqué.

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