Início » Bruno de Carvalho acquitted of all crimes

Bruno de Carvalho acquitted of all crimes

The 44 defendants in the process of invading the Sporting academy in Alcochete, including former club president Bruno de Carvalho, know the sentence at the Monsanto Court in Lisbon.

“As for Bruno de Carvalho, it was not proved that the texts on social networks were intended to incite Juve Leo. Not even the phrase ‘do what you want’, ”said Judge Sílvia Pires, in the reading of the sentence, moments before announcing that Bruno de Carvalho, Bruno Jacinto and Nuno Mendes“ Mustafá ”were acquitted of all crimes.

Sílvia Pires said that Bruno de Carvalho did not incite, neither with Facebook, nor with the phrase in Juve Leo’s house, nor with the phrase “it was to see who’s in charge” at the meeting to dismiss the technical team and reiterates that he too Bruno Jacinto and Mustafá did not give orders, nor was anything proved against them. And even though there is no proof that the drug in Juve Leo’s house was from Mustafá.

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