Início » Angola records 269 investment bids since 2018

Angola records 269 investment bids since 2018

Angola’s Private Investment and Export Promotion Agency (AIPEX) received 269 private investment bids between August 2018 and April 2020, which have helped create nearly 19,000 jobs, the AIPEX’s statistical office said on Wednesday.

The investment proposals mainly fall to sectors including industry (116), trade (66), service (53), agriculture (12), construction (8), health (4), hotels and tourism (4), education (3) and fisheries (3), according to the AIPEX.

The industry sector is expected to absorb the largest amount of investment with over 1 billion U.S. dollars, followed by the construction sector with 686 million dollars, agriculture with 199 million dollars, trade with 138 million dollars, health with 131 million dollars, service with 93 million dollars, fisheries with 74 million dollars, and education with 30 million dollars.

A total of 204 projects are underway, totalling over 1 billion dollars. The three projects to be implemented are budgeted at 10 million dollars, while five others that have given up its implementation were budgeted at 33 million dollars.

The capital Luanda has attracted the most investment, with 211 proposals.

The AIPEX aims to promote exports, attract private investment, register investment proposals, provide institutional support, and monitor the implementation of investment projects and internationalization of Angolan companies.

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