Início » First Wuhan, then Europe, New York and São Paulo

First Wuhan, then Europe, New York and São Paulo

Looking at history, we know that a pandemic can take between 16 and 36 months and can be overcome by medicine or tiredness, becoming more benign. The new coronavirus can be beaten by a mixture of the two, but it is not yet.

The World Health Organization declared the pandemic on 11 March 2020. China reported the first cases to the world on 31 December 2019. There are those who consider that between one date and another time was lost, worse, lives were lost.

The American President was the first to question the WHO’s actions, currently led by the Ethiopian, born Eritrean, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. In a recent opinion piece in the Financial Times we can read that “despite all the flaws, the world needs WHO”, but, in the same article, we can read: “WHO was probably negligent for waiting until March to declare the pandemic”.

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