Início » The butler who served 11 presidents died by Covid-19

The butler who served 11 presidents died by Covid-19

Wilson Roosevelt Jerman, who worked in the White House for 11 US presidents, died at age 91 after contracting covid-19, the family announced.

The man who started working as a cleaning employee in the White House when he was President Dwight Eisenhower (1953-1961) was quickly promoted to butler, in the service of Kennedy (1961-1963), and retired in 2012, during the term of Barack Obama (2009-2017).

“With his kindness and care, Wilson Jerman helped make the White House a home for decades for several First Families, including ours,” said former First Lady Michelle Obama, in a note quoted by the Associated Press. “His service to others – his willingness to go further for the country he loved and for all those whose lives he touched – is a legacy worthy of his generous spirit,” he added.

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