Início » European Center says it is “very likely” that a second wave will happen

European Center says it is “very likely” that a second wave will happen

The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) admits that a second wave of covid-19 contagions is “very likely”, estimating that, although countries are better prepared, there are a similar number of serious cases or deaths.

In an interview with Agência Lusa, ECDC’s main specialist for emergency response and operations, Sergio Brusin, indicates that “the danger [of a second wave] exists” and, although “it is not possible to say with certainty that there will be”, it is ” very likely to happen “.

“We saw in previous situations, with other pandemics, that there were second waves and we have to consider that this is a completely new virus”, argues the responsible, who is one of the most experienced experts at ECDC for this type of outbreaks. Asked by Lusa whether, in this second wave, there will be a lower number of cases or deaths, Sergio Brusin dismisses this possibility, due to the specificity of the new coronavirus.

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