Início » In the African kingdom where the virus doesn’t enter and the Prime Minister doesn’t leave

In the African kingdom where the virus doesn’t enter and the Prime Minister doesn’t leave

Rute Coelho
 In the small country of 2.1 million, the 80-year-old head of government, suspected of having conspired with his current wife to kill his ex, remains in office. The kingdom is one of the few states in the world without Covid-19

 The kingdom of Lesotho, in South Africa, is one of the few countries in the world where the new coronavirus did not enter because the prime minister closed the small territory to the world and imposed severe confinement measures. Neither the virus enters nor does Prime Minister Thomas Thabane leave. 
Thabane is not now applauded for his anti-Covid-19 measures because there are strong signs that he conspired with his current wife to murder his ex-wife and the 80-year-old head of government, it has just not yet been formally accused of being shielded by the statute. As an in-depth article by El País on the subject tells today, Thomas Thabane resists stone and lime in office, much because he is protected by political immunity. Under him, there are signs of having conspired with his current wife to murder his ex-wife and Thabane has not yet been formally accused of being shielded by the statute. 
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