Início » New Portugal-China chamber of commerce created to support companies

New Portugal-China chamber of commerce created to support companies

The Portugal-China PME Chamber of Commerce (CCPC-PME), which aims to support small and medium-sized companies interested in exporting and importing to and from China, was formally constituted this week, with the creation of “investment funds” already foreseen.

According to a statement sent today to Lusa by CCPC-PME, the chamber of commerce was formalized on Thursday at the Notary’s Office of Condeixa-a-Nova and is addressed to “the vast field of SMEs interested in exporting and importing to and from China”.

The document states that CCPC-PME will have its headquarters in the village of Condeixa, in a space provided by the municipality, as well as delegations in Lisbon and Porto.

Likewise, “individuals in Macau, Beijing and Shanghai and in the Chinese provinces of Henan, Hainan and Shangdong have already agreed to create CCPC-SME delegations in their respective regions”.

The executive council of this Portugal-China chamber of commerce is chaired by Y Ping Chow, president of the League of Chinese in Portugal and representative of the Chinese Community in the High Commission for Migration, while the strategic council is chaired by Bian Fang, chairman of the board of directors of the Bison Bank, a Chinese-owned financial entity operating in Portugal.

The statement points out that a first work program that aims to create investment funds for the agri-food and tourism sectors has already been presented, as well as “the creation of a ‘Casa de Portugal’ on one of the largest online sales platforms”.

The structure of the CCPC-PME has names such as former Secretary of State for Internationalization Jorge Costa Oliveira, the former adviser to the President of the Republic Jorge Portugal, deputies António Gameiro and José Cesário, the lawyer and former deputy Vitalino Canas, the director- executive of the Tâmega e Sousa Community Telmo Pinto, the judge-counselor Júlio Pereira, the lawyer and former PSD Secretary of State Montalvão Machado and the businessman and former mayor Carlos Pinto.

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