Início » Portugal with 6.8% recession, 6.5% deficit and the shadow of tourism

Portugal with 6.8% recession, 6.5% deficit and the shadow of tourism

European Commission stresses several times that the recovery can be difficult because the country depends a lot on foreign tourism.

Portugal, which was growing by 2.2% last year, will sink into one of the worst recessions in its history, with the economy retreating 6.8% this year, according to the European Commission, in the new spring projections, released this Wednesday -market. Brussels stresses several times that the recovery can be difficult and complicated in the coming years because the country depends too much on foreign tourism.

In any case, that recession figure is lighter than that of the IMF, which recently pointed to an 8% drop in annual activity in 2020.

Read more in Dinheiro Vivo

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