Início » Let’s go back to travel by plane, but it won’t be the same

Let’s go back to travel by plane, but it won’t be the same

Aviation companies have been hit hard by the pandemic and the payback will be difficult. We will travel again, but there will surely be many changes in order to guarantee the rules of distance, etiquette, hand hygiene and the use of masks in closed environments.

The queue to enter other countries

As countries control their situation internally, they will have to be aware that the danger does not come from outside. Thus, it is foreseeable that they will require a clinical evaluation on entry (fever research and / or test for the new coronavirus) and / or quarantine for 14 days before circulating freely.

You will need more than your passport

Some countries will require you to bring the test result for the new coronavirus – and you may be refused entry if you do not have an immunity certificate.

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