Início » The virus is a threat to the 50 million refugees in their countries

The virus is a threat to the 50 million refugees in their countries


The data are from the Displaced Observatory (IDMC) and indicate that there are 10 million more displaced people than in the previous year. Specifically, 50.8 million people, a record number, as reported today by the Spanish newspaper El País based on the IMDC report.

Most flee (without leaving the country) of armed conflicts and violence (45.7 million), and others from natural disasters (5.1 million). In both cases, they now face a common fear: the coronavirus pandemic, against which they could not be more unprotected. “Displaced people are very vulnerable, they live in crowded camps, emergency shelters and makeshift shelters with little or no access to health care,” said IDMC director Alexandra Bilac, speaking to El País. “The global coronavirus pandemic will aggravate their living conditions, which are already precarious, further limiting these people’s access to essential services and humanitarian aid,” added the official.

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