Início » Press conferences to update covid data “are not worth the time and effort”

Press conferences to update covid data “are not worth the time and effort”


The President of the United States of America will stop participating in press conferences that update the country’s epidemiological situation, in a time of pandemic. Donald Trump made the announcement on Twitter, where he wrote that the newsletters “are not worth the time and effort” because of the “hostile questions” from journalists, who, according to the head of state, only spread “false news”.

For several weeks now, the president’s advisers have recommended that Donald Trump limit his statements to the most important issues, as AFP news agency reported on Saturday. Thesis that received a new incentive with the words spoken by Trump, on Thursday night, when he suggested that the bleach could be used as a disinfestant “inside the body” in the treatment of patients with the new coronavirus. Having then stated that he was being sarcastic.

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