Início » Sonangol sells assets in nine companies

Sonangol sells assets in nine companies


According to Angop, in Petromar, Sonangol is divesting 30% of its capital, 51% in Sonatide Marine Limited and Sonatide Marine Angola Limitada and 40% in Sonamet Industrial S.A and Sonarcergy – Serviços e construções petróleo, Lda.

The sale of the shares is part of the privatization program and also covers the sale of 10% of the capital in the company Paenal-Porto Amboim Estaleiros Navais, 33, 33% of SBM Shipyard, 30% of Sonadiets, Limitada and an equal percentage of Sonadiets Services, SA

The public tender is being conducted by the Negotiation Committee for the Process of Disposal of Sonangol’s Quota in the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Segment.

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