Início » President Nyusi admits “involuntary violations”

President Nyusi admits “involuntary violations”

Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi yesterday admitted “involuntary violations” of human rights by the authorities in Cabo Delgado, where armed groups have been carrying out attacks since October 2017.

“In difficult times like the one we are going through, we are led to adopt robust measures in order to defend our sovereignty and our territorial integrity. Some of these measures can involuntarily lead to the violation of human rights,” said Filipe Nyusi, quoted by Lusa, when he was speaking during the inauguration of new members of the National Commission on Human Rights.
Filipe Nyusi said that the accusations of human rights violations in Cabo Delgado must receive the attention of the authorities and, with regard to the fight against insurgents, asked for the collaboration of everyone, including the press, who has complained at various times of intimidation, persecution and aggression, perpetrated by the authorities in covering armed violence in that northern Mozambique province.

Read more in portuguese at Jornal de Angola

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