Início » Nearly 200,000 dead and more than 2.7 million infected worldwide

Nearly 200,000 dead and more than 2.7 million infected worldwide


The covid-19 pandemic has already exceeded 2.7 million people infected and has killed almost 200,000 people worldwide since it appeared in China in December, according to an AFP balance sheet at 11:00.

According to data from the French news agency, from official data, 190,989 people were killed and more than 2,719,450 infected in 193 countries.

At least 720,000 people were considered cured by health officials.

The United States, which recorded the first death linked to the coronavirus in late February, leads in number of deaths and cases, with 49,963 and 869,172, respectively.

At least 80,934 people have been declared cured by health officials in the United States.

After the United States, the countries with the most deaths are Italy, with 25,549 to 189,973 cases, Spain with 22,524 (219,764 cases), France with 21,856 (158,183 cases) and the United Kingdom with 18,738 (138,078 cases).

China (excluding the territories of Hong Kong and Macau), where the epidemic began in late December, accounted for 82,804 cases (six new between Thursday and today), including 4,632 deaths (none new) and 77,207 recoveries.

Since 19:00 on Thursday, Sierra Leone has announced the first death linked to the virus in its territory.

As of 11:00 today, Europe totaled 116,907 deaths for 1,311,888 cases, United States and Canada 52,162 deaths (910,924 cases), Asia 7,651 (187,791 cases), Latin America and the Caribbean 6,777 (130,705 cases), Middle East 6,101 (142,849 cases), Africa 1,288 (27,335 cases) and Oceania 103 (7,964 cases).

AFP warns that the number of diagnosed cases reflects only a fraction of the actual number of infections, as a large number of countries are now testing only those cases that require hospital care.

Portugal is the 17th country in the world with the most infections and also the 17th in terms of deaths.

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