Início » Chinese doctors woke up from a coronavirus coma with black skin

Chinese doctors woke up from a coronavirus coma with black skin

Doctors Yi and Hu, from Wuhan, are recovering from the disease but their skin has gone dark. Liver damage will have caused this hormonal change

The two doctors were infected with Covid-19 while trying to cure other patients at China’s Wuhan hospital in January. They went into a coma with the coronavirus and when they woke up, a detail in their physical appearance immediately called attention: their skin was black.

According to the doctor responsible for the two, Yi Fan and Hu Weifeng suffered liver damage due to Covid-19, which caused hormonal changes.

Doctors Yi and Hu, both 42, were colleagues with Li Wenpliang, the ophthalmologist who first spoke about the new coronavirus and who ended up infected, having died in February.

These two doctors tested positive for Covid-19 on 18 January and were admitted to Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital.

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