Início » ECOWAS recognizes Sissoco Embaló as President of Guinea-Bissau and asks for the formation of a new Government

ECOWAS recognizes Sissoco Embaló as President of Guinea-Bissau and asks for the formation of a new Government

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on Thursday recognized Umaro Sissoco Embaló as the winner of the second round of the presidential elections in Guinea-Bissau and called for the formation of a new government by 22 May.

In a statement, released to the press today and dated Wednesday, ECOWAS says that “in the face of the current blockade and after a thorough analysis of the country’s political situation, the heads of state and government decided to recognize the victory of Umaro Sissoco Embaló in the second round of the December 29 presidential election “.

The regional organization also asked for the appointment of a new government respecting the results of the legislative elections of March 10 last year, which the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC) won, with the election of 47 of the 102 deputies to the parliament.

“ECOWAS Heads of State and Government urged President Umaro Sissoco Embaló to proceed with the appointment of a Prime Minister and Government, no later than 22 May 2020, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and in light of of the results of the legislative elections “, points out the statement signed by Jean Claude Kassi-Brou, chairman of the organization’s committee.

ECOWAS has also proposed to Guinean political actors that they strive to initiate a reform of the country’s constitution, an initiative that should be preceded by a referendum, within six months.

Guinea-Bissau is going through yet another period of political crisis, after General Umaro Sissoco Embaló, named as the winner of the elections by the National Elections Commission, declared himself president of the country, while an electoral litigation appeal is taking place in the Supreme Court of Justice. presented by the candidacy of Domingos Simões Pereira.

Umaro Sissoco Embaló took office at a ceremony led by the vice-president of the country’s parliament Nuno Nabian, who ended up leaving those functions, to assume the leadership of the Government appointed by the self-proclaimed President.

The government dismissed by Umaro Sissoco Embaló, that of Prime Minister Aristides Gomes, maintains the support of the majority in the parliament of Guinea-Bissau.

Supreme maintains silence

The government led by Nuno Nabian occupied the ministries with the support of the military, but Sissoco Embaló refuses that a coup d’état is underway in the country and says that it awaits the Supreme Court’s decision on the electoral dispute.

Following the inauguration of Umaro Sissoco Embaló and his government, Guinea-Bissau’s main international partners called for a resolution of the crisis based on the country’s law and constitution, underlining the importance of a decision by the Supreme Court being known. Justice on the appeal of electoral litigation.

The Supreme Court of Justice has forwarded a position on electoral litigation when the circumstances that determined the state of emergency in the country are overcome.

Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, Umaro Sissoco Embaló admitted the possibility of dissolving parliament and calling for early legislative elections if the current blockade continues. The National People’s Assembly has refused to receive Nuno Nabian’s government program.

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