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Hong Kong extends prevention measures for two more weeks


The extension will make bars, beauty salons and karaoke bars, very popular all over Asia, remain closed until at least May 7th.

Restaurants that have been authorized to operate can only do so at half capacity, with tables spaced approximately 1.5 meters apart.

The measures, which were first implemented for two weeks in late March, have already been extended once and were due to end on Thursday.

In a press conference, the head of the Hong Kong Government, Carrie Lam, assumed that the measures of social distance represent a “very difficult balancing act”, but that it is necessary “to take science as a basis”.

“On the one hand, we want to fight the virus to keep our citizens safe. But, on the other hand, if the city is dead, there is no business, people do not have normal activities, which is also very difficult,” he stressed.

On Monday, authorities in the Chinese special administrative region announced that, as of Wednesday, “all asymptomatic travelers arriving at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) will be required to wait for the results of the tests” to Covid -19.

On Monday, the territory did not register any new cases of infection. According to official data, Hong Kong has registered 1,026 infected people since the beginning of the epidemic.

Globally, the Covid-19 pandemic has already claimed more than 168,000 deaths and infected more than 2.4 million people in 193 countries and territories.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected in late December in Wuhan, a city in central China.

To combat the pandemic, governments sent 4.5 billion people home (more than half the world’s population), ended non-essential trade and drastically reduced air traffic, paralyzing entire sectors of the world economy.

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