Work of the gods

por Gonçalo Lopes
Guilherme Rego

Those who live in Macau are used to and resigned to the nightmare of public works. And it all starts even before the first stone is lifted.

In some of the urban planning projects, prior public consultation is not considered necessary.

The Government makes the mistake of assuming that it knows what the population needs or wants. In others, steps are missed in the public consultation process, minimizing the importance of this service and the recognition of active public participation.

Even worse is when the public consultation is carried out in the right way but, for some reason, it goes back and discards changes or indications that were in the project.

We see this example in the column “Voz do Deputado” of this edition, where the deputy Lei Leong Wong complains about the setback in the new Central Library of Macau. Initially it had a support car park, there was no opposition to it, but now the Government decides, unilaterally, that it is no longer part of the plans.

This week was full of news, pleasant and unpleasant surprises.

Let’s start with the good news: new sports and leisure parks, coated with a megalomania that is essential for Macau to be compatible with the needs of the population, and with similar projects in the rest of the Greater Bay (services count for the choice of place of residence and work).

This type of project has been requested for years, because the options are few. But even here the modus operandi tears the social contract. There was general ignorance of these new facilities until they were publicly announced.

Not even in the Legislative Assembly was there knowledge, as we can also see in this issue, on page 17.

Once again, we fall into the error of assuming that we know what the population wants…

I do not question their need, because it is clear that there is a lack of sports and leisure spaces – they have always been placed in the background.

However, who was consulted? Was there direct adjudication of the design of these facilities? At most, there must be respect for the management of the public purse.

There is increased sensitivity in a population that is still recovering from a pandemic, and billions are spent on new urban spaces. The statue of Goddess Kun Iam in Coloane will cost 42 million.

And the usufruct is, to say the least, doubtful. At the press conference, it was even said that it will be a tourist spot – an unfortunate comment, when in NAPE this is not seen, and there is no data to support this argument.

It is, in fact, a reinforcement of Macau’s profile, its distinctive character, but the decision must be legitimized with a positive opinion from the people.

And the Government has, of course, the right of reply, but then let it be based on data. Because a city that wants to enter the future has to make decisions with more than the intuition of a few.

PLATFORMA has already reported the obvious consequences that this modus operandi has on the relationship between the Government and the population it serves. Already many residents have lost faith in public consultations because opinions are not respected or taken into account.

It is almost like an “uncomfortable obligation” for the Government in the fulfillment of its designs, but that does not count in the end. You see a little bit of everything.

Unfortunately, in a small town where urban planning doesn’t have much room for failure, the same mistakes are made over and over again. The most crass error, and constantly pointed out to the Government, continues to be the lack of transparency.

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