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Have you seen the lighthouse surrounded by tall buildings?

Sulu Sou*

The lighthouse of Cabo da Roca in Portugal stands at the westernmost point of the continent, and the lighthouse of Salvador in Brazil also faces the vast Atlantic Ocean…they all located at the place that is few people, used the charming light to guide countless ships in the past. Can you imagine the surrounding of a lighthouse is a tall building like a giant wall? The Guia Lighthouse in Macau-the oldest lighthouse in China that was put into operation in 1865-might unfortunately facing this possibility.

On July 15, 2005, the historical city of Macau—the oldest, largest, most complete, and concentrated East&West coexisting building complex in China—was unanimously approved by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee for inclusion in the “World Cultural Heritage List”, the Guia Lighthouse, located in Colina da Guia, is one of the cores of this historical are. This yellow-white lighthouse, although it is one of the 1,500 lighthouses still in operation around the world, may not be comparable to the other countries beautiful lighthouse, but it contains the collective memories of Macau people. Return from the sea to Macau, there is always expectation. See the lighthouse and know your hope of returning to Macau.

But in recent years, because of the expansion of reclamation, the lighthouse that was originally close to the sea is getting farther and farther from the sea; because of the overbearing high-rise buildings at the foot of the mountain, the lighthouse that was originally seen from far away is narrower and narrower. Over the past fifteen years, Macau society has triggered conservation campaigns to protect and even rescue the integrity and consistency of the lighthouse landscape, many times. In 2007, because the Chinese central government’s liaison office in Macau planned to build a building taller than the entire mountain at the foot of Guia (the side of Avenida Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues), forcing civil society to openly seek help from UNESCO. This is the first time that a small, conservative society, seeking help for international concern. The Macao government finally received a warning from UNESCO, and also promulgated the height limit of the 2.8-square-kilometer protected area around the lighthouse (Despacho do Chefe do Executivo n.º 83/2008), hoping to cool down the society.

However, in order to take care of the face of the central government’s agency, this height limit is 90m, at the location of the new building of Liaison office (objectively opened the gap), along with a series of land at mountains foot. As a result, a building approaching 90 meters is going to be built, or had already built. It is a giant wall. In the future, very few public can see the light house, but only the privilege of people from their home. Facing of repeated opposition from the people, the government has only to repeat the “legal instructions” in its hands. The opinion of tighten the limit and stop harm, the government has always been ignored.`

Fifteen years ago, the Macau government apply for the world cultural heritage, and state: “High-rise buildings have flooded many other oriental cities, with the same history and architectural style. Macau’s achievements in preserving history and culture are invaluable!” to preserve the historical buildings, this is the promise make by Macau government, it is facing to the international community and all mankind. The Guia lighthouse is going to submerged by high-rise buildings now, it seems extremely ironic. Do those in power, break one’s promise, is it worthy of the history of the Macao people?

Lawmaker of Macau Legislative Assembly*

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