Get ready for another session of ‘Leave Pimba alone’

por Rute Coelho

In 11 minutes all tickets for the musical show by Bruno Nogueira and Manuela Azevedo were sold on Monday. New session takes place on Tuesday.

The show was announced at the end of Wednesday and 11 minutes later the two thousand tickets available for Monday’s concert had already been sold. In such a way, that an extra session for Tuesday was quickly scheduled.

Leave Pimba in Peace, the show in which Bruno Nogueira, Manuela Azevedo and another group of musicians recreate musical successes of the so-called pimba music, risks being the first success of the deconfination. “We were in a forced pause for more than two months but always with the focus on reopening the rooms and our activity”, explains to DN Sandra Faria, from the Production Force, the promoter who debuted this show seven years ago.

Read more in Diário de Notícias

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