Início » Marcelo’s phone rings again. Xi Jinping highlights cooperation between Portugal and China

Marcelo’s phone rings again. Xi Jinping highlights cooperation between Portugal and China

After Donald Trump, it was the Chinese President who called the President of the Republic.

The head of state, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, received a call this Thursday from the Chinese President, Xi Jinping, and the two highlighted their cooperation in combating Covid-19 and talked about the material coming from China to Portugal.

This information is contained in a note published on the website of the Presidency of the Republic on the Internet, which reads that “the presidents highlighted the ongoing cooperation between the two countries, namely in the sector of hospital supplies produced in China and necessary to combat Covid- 19 in Portugal “.

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Meio de comunicação social generalista, com foco na relação entre os Países de Língua Portuguesa e a China

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